Friday, May 7, 2010

What the dozer did

Latest visit to the farm found a yawning pit and finally! we get some idea of the actual size of the new addition from its footprint. It's all very well to look at blueprints but by walking around the excavation, now we know for sure -- it's going to be B-I-G.

This pleases Bob who has always nurtured ambitions of living in a castle.

As the caretaker of the castle, perhaps not equally thrilled but console myself with the often repeated (and probably untrue) statement, "a big house is no harder to keep clean than a small one." Thanks Martha Stewart, get back to you on that one.

Anyhow, this big pit would shortly be filled with forms and poured concrete foundations. Luckily, no major downpours came to muck it up.

However, a few days later when the first concrete truck rolled down our driveway, the driver, distracted by the overhanging trees, did a jig when he should have jogged and the truck went off the road. It was stuck in the wet field, teetering on the edge of falling over when my ordinarily unflappable contractor phoned up in a flap. Peter said a tow truck had been called and sure enough, soon a super sized version of a tow truck came along and hauled him out -- the concrete was still pourable so no damage done overall except to mental health of driver/contractor.

Anyhow, we head to the farm this weekend for another exciting installment and to welcome our mobile home. Yes, Virginia, there are people crazy enough to trade in their castle in the city to become trailer trash in the country, and we are they!

Above, various views of the foundation dig out incl garage in weird location to avoid maple tree which may yet die.

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