When the crew goes, I will miss them, their cheerful can-do attitude, real applied concentration on the job, friendly smiling faces and colorful language. In fact it is from them I have learned the amazing versatility of the work F**K, which, it seems, can be used, not just as an exclamation but a verb, adjective, noun, adverb, a gerund... you get the idea!
This coming Monday the painter starts work on the inside, following the departure of the drywallers and the mudders who filled in the cracks. Or, I should say, "mudder" since it was mostly one solitary older man with a moustache covered in finishing compound dust who put in 12 hour days working from daybreak until after dark with the aid of a work light.
I'm in awe of the work ethic of most of the tradepeople who worked on our project., starting usually at 7.15 and knocking off at 4 or later with only the shortest of breaks for coffee and lunch. The attitude was summed up by our lonely drywall finisher, who said, "when work comes along, it's take it or lose it." Like most, he was going on to another job on a tight deadline.
The final stages of outside work included a major mess made of our lawn by trenching for the new hydro line. I'm now re-planting all the peonies that had to be uprooted or else get squished by machines or heavy work boots, but the grass is a project for next spring. Local stone mason Pat Secord has done a fine job of the surround for our wood stove. In order to get this stove put in, however, even though our wood stove installer is certified, and the stove is certified, I had to get yet another "permit", which should roughly translate to "tax grab" in any language.
So... once the painting is done, the floors will go in, then trim and doors are installed, and, provided our kitchen guy comes through, who knows? We might be into the house and out of our trailer by the end of September (and pigs might fly.)
Top photo: The Michener ranch in almost finished form.
Second pix: Bob shows friend Mike O'Kane the progress since his last visit.
Bottom, the guys working away on the deck.
Nice fuckin deck!