Sunday, October 24, 2010

The neck and neck race to beat winter

 It's close to the end of October, and with the help of a couple space heaters loaned by helpful neighbours, we are still in our not-so-cosy trailer. A light dusting of that white crap fell a night ago. It was an unpleasant reminder that soon we could be moving our possessions into our new/old house in the teeth of a roaring winter gale, which, in these parts you really have to see to believe just how bad that could be.

Part of the holdup is our kitchen guy, whose mother is very sick. This is an excuse for being two weeks late on delivery that only a jerk would dispute, and so we wait. But that is not to say nothing is happening, in fact, by all but the kitchen guy there is now a mad rush on to get finished, and get paid!

Check out the action for tomorrow, Monday. Plumber Dave will be here installing toilets, a work crew is coming in to finish up the stairs & balcony, install door hardware etc., the electricians are putting in the last potlites and fixtures, the painters will be doing the finishing touches, to deal with the filthy fingerprints, grout and stains left on the walls by guys who should know better, and friend Steve is arriving with his dozer to adjust the earth around the house and spread topsoil.

Another reason Steve is here is that our driveway recently claimed another victim. The poor sod that was delivering the flooring for our kitchen decided to back in and in the process fell into the gaping maw of the ditch along the south side, barely avoiding overturning and racking up a $400 towing fee. Steve will fill in the man-eating potholes and fix the ditch.

Despite its many deficiencies, of which the lack of a kitchen is only one, the house is just about finished! It's beautiful and full of light and space. Maybe it's tempting fate, but who cares. We've set November 4 for move-in date -- ready or not -- a phrase that also describes not just the house, but us.

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