Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Snow fun moving

On Friday November 5, having chosen a day featuring undoubtedly the worst weather so far of the month, the Micheners moved into their renovated new/old farmhouse. A mixture of rain and snow, aptly described by my brother as "sneet" was falling as we waited for Armstrong movers, who had picked up the contents of a locker in Toronto and pine furniture from an office at Eglinton and Laird before setting out for the wilds of Vasey. Though cold, wet and miserable,  everyone had the good sense not to complain and so Bob, Pat, son Carl and daughter Julia , Pat's bro Paul and couple of friends moved cartons that had sat in storage in the new garage since August into the house where -- days later --they are still sitting unopened.

Why? Because no sooner was the mammoth move over then we were onto move #5, getting our stuff out of the trailer so the rental company can tow it away. Are we ready to leave?  Not really. The house is only half done. So far,  the kitchen guy hasn't come through with the drawers/cabinets, the electrician hasn't connected the dishwasher, the vanities are not installed, etc. etc. but....

In the spirit of all veteran campers, we've moved in -- in our standard slow, disorganized, bumbly Michener fashion, we've made it into the new house and are now installed luxuriously in our king sized bed the only oasis in a thoroughly messy master bedroom. It's moving on the instalment plan, since we are still cooking, computing and emailing from the trailer. However, this schizophrenic phase is rapidly drawing to a close  on Friday when the trailer will be towed back to Barrie home base.

Because the weather has been so bright and beautiful, landscaping is underway. The gianormous rock that cropped up when the geothermal system was dug has found a zen-like garden location in the triangle formed by the breezeway connecting garage and house. Friend Steve Ogden, who came around with a variety of earth moving equipment, also miraculously turned the ugly mound of our septic mountain into what looks like a planned and pleasant hill featuring a circular walkway.

Even though all is a mess and the house, cleaned from top to bottom prior to the move, is once more thoroughly dusty and dirty, our house building experience looks to be just about over. Now it seems like an early Christmas as we open boxes to discover items barely remembered from the time we stowed them away, way back in early July.

1 comment:

  1. Terrific progress. I like the adjective "bumbly" for the Michener moving pattern.
