The Michener spread as seen from Rumney Rd., Dec. 14 |
Finally - finally! toward the end of November we undertook the final backbreaking move from trailer to house -- this time w/o any help whatsoever and slugging it out until 1 a.m. the night before they came to pick up the trailer. It was move #5 in 2 years for long suffering Bob and Pat, who did their pack mule act getting the usual astonishing accumulation of Michener stuff out of the trailer before Armstrong Trailers came along to drag it away across our front field.
Bob & our super builder/general contractor Peter Wanless in the Michener kitchen. |
When the first persian rug went down, the transformation from disorganized mess to home began. Just in itme --- huge storms descended on Georgian Bay, dumping more than 20" of snow and turning the barren November trees and fields into a landscape of amazing beauty. Last weekend, our family assembled at the farm with Greg, our middle child, here from Brazil (though without our lovely daughter-in-law Carolina, still hard at work in construction management in Rio de Janeiro), Julia, our baby, and Carl and Julie and our wonderful grandchildren Willow and Jean Jacques.
It was a time of celebration, satisfaction and exhaustion, as we contemplated all we'd done and wondered... how did we ever do it?
To all the friends and relatives who visit this blog, a very Merry Christmas ! & super 2011. Come back again... our story is not quite over yet!
On a walk with Bruiser and visiting from Brazil, Greg enjoys his first Canadian winter in 4 years. |